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I’m so tired, my tired is tired!


I’m so tired, my tired is tired! Sound or should I say feel familiar?

The fatigue that accompanies fibromyalgia, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis is something that anyone who hasn’t experienced will never understand.

Fatigue from my chronic illnesses is not the kind of tired that comes from doing too much or that a nap will fix. It is the kind of tired that makes your head and body feel heavy. It’s impossible to fight and alters plans whether you like it or not.

Today is one of those days…..

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Two days of weather-related exhaustion.
No makeup on and my hair hasn’t been brushed since Saturday. #reallife

Wacky weather

The weather in southern California has been strange this year. We have had the wettest and coldest winter that I have ever experienced in my time living here.

Spring has been no different. We get a few days of average warm weather, then boom, it plummets back to cold and rain.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining about cooler than normal temperatures, but the weekly fluctuations take a toll on my body.

This week’s weather

Beaten up

My body has taken a beating from weather changes as early as the fall of 1999.

A severe storm front used to literally paralyze my muscles. I would lie in bed unable to will my body to move. 

All I could do was sleep and wait for the pressure to release. 

Once the pressure let up and the storm let loose, I would regain my strength and often feel completely normal!


Since adding PEMF therapy with Oska Pulse to my daily pain management plan in 2017 I have experienced fewer weather-related flares.  Even better is that the ones that I have experienced were far less painful or debilitating than those of the past.

The flare I am experiencing today is nothing like I used to suffer through.  Although my body and mind feel heavy, I can get out of bed to use the restroom or to get something from the kitchen.  I can sit up, talk, and as you can tell even whip up a blog post.  But that is it.

This drug-free pain relief device relieves pain and inflammation like nothing I have ever tried!

Today is for…..

Today is not a day for major decisions or for pushing to do more than my body will allow.

Today is a day for resting.

Today is not a day for working at my normal pace.

Today is a catch up on TV type of day.

Today is a day for listening to my body!

It is for running PEMF treatments on my spine, rubbing a magnesium lotion on my belly and legs, and napping when needed.

I typically avoid using cannabis-related products on a day like this until bedtime.  The reason for this is with my body feeling so heavy, my muscles are totally relaxed, my joints don’t hurt because I am not moving, and I am already tired.  Waiting until evening to use cannabis will help me fall asleep and keep my typical schedule.

Losing a day or more to a weather-related flare used to upset me, but now that it doesn’t happen as often I have learned to accept them, to modify or scrap my plans, and most importantly to enjoy them.

Yes, losing a day this week sucks, but there is no reason to make it more miserable than it already is.

How often do you experience weather-related flares?

How do you deal with them?

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