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The only New Year’s resolution that I have ever kept and why you should try it


The only New Year’s resolution that I have ever kept and why you should try it

Do you make New Year resolutions?  How many of them did you keep?  In the past I would vow to lose weight, quit a bad habit, or to do something that I didn’t really want to do and always failed.  Why did I fail?  Because instead of adopting life changes I was forcing a drastic change that I wasn’t ready for.  Trying to force an unrealistic plan of dietary changes and exercise became even more difficult once my chronic life began.  After a while I just gave up on making New Year resolutions all together. 

A few years ago I went through an extremely deep and dark depression.  Pharmaceutical medications had failed me and although being med-free meant I was no longer experiencing their side-effects, I was miserable and without anything to reduce my physical pain.  Thank God for marijuana!! Seriously, my life changed the moment I began medicating with it.  My inflammation reduced, pain was more manageable, and most importantly I was able to climb out of that deep, dark pit that I had been living in.  No longer living with daily depression or anxiety, I was able to see the beauty of my life, even on days that had to be spent in bed.  A few months later as the New Year approached, I decided to make a New Year’s resolution.

The difference between this resolution and resolutions of past was that I chose to make a life change, not an unrealistic or drastic change.  I wanted to resolve to do something that could be done no matter what my physical status was.  So I resolved to find a reason to smile every day.  My goal was to record a thought, activity, blessing, or reason for smiling every day.  Some of my reasons were grander than others, but not a day went by that I didn’t find one reason to smile.  Some days, just the fact that I was alive was reason enough to smile. 

My smile jar

Some days were harder than others to find a reason to smile and because I recorded my reasons daily, on a bad day I would look back and remember the joy I had been able to find.  By the year’s end I was able to recall the wonderful moments instead of dwelling on the disappointments my conditions caused. The first year I recorded my reasons on social media.  The following years I wrote them down and put them in a smile jar.  Another idea is to write your reasons on a calendar. This year I plan on keeping a simple journal.  This journal will only be filled with daily reasons to smile and reasons to be thankful for the life I have.      

Calendars are great for viewing your reasons to smile

Do you make a daily effort to remind yourself that life is filled with beautiful moments?  Do you keep track of them?  If so, do you use a jar, journal, etc…? Will you join me in resolving to find a reason to smile each day of 2017?

Wishing you a life filled with reasons to smile,

The Disabled Diva






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