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Meet Abigail

Guest Post Written By Abigail Covert

I currently work as my mom’s scheduler and I also babysit on the side. I also have anxiety and as I said earlier I also have chronic pain. Which can get in the way of a lot of things, like playing video games or playing the guitar but I make it work. I also have dyslexia, which can be tough when playing video games, since sometimes there will be characters who will make up words that don’t exist and then speak those words like they’re normal and then I spend 10 minutes trying to figure out what they’re trying to say. I’m looking at you Ace Attorney.

I’m also homeschooled, which is honestly great. With dyslexia, it takes me a bit longer to read things and fully understand them and I usually need visuals to help, so with my school program, I can take things at my own pace and have the visual aids I need. Being homeschooled has honestly been one of the best things for me.

Anyways, I’m excited to share my experiences with all of you and I hope you’re all excited too. I hope I can make an impact on your life, even if it’s just a smile.

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