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My New Wheels


Last fall I purchased some new wheels.  I have been waiting to write about my wheelchair because I wanted to make sure it was something that I would recommend to my readers. 

Those of us living with one or more chronic diseases know that coming to accept our need for a mobility aid isn’t easy and the cost of them often prevents us from buying one. 

This is NOT a sponsored post.  I purchased and paid for all the products mentioned in this post. Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission to fund my coffee drinking habit if you use these links to make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone.

New Wheels on a Budget

As my old wheelchair began to rapidly fall apart, I knew it was time to replace it and prayed I could do it without draining my savings account.  As expected they weren’t cheap.  Then I found one with elevating legs for under $150!!!

My first thought was that the price was too good to be true.  However, since it fit within my budget I decided to give it a try.  At worst it would be a piece of crap and I would return it. I ordered my Drive Medical Blue Streak Wheelchair with Flip Back Desk Arms, Elevating Leg Rests, and 20″ Seat from Amazon. Shipping was free with my Prime membership and it arrived two days later.

Test Drive

I have been using my new wheelchair for several months and have been very happy with it.  Its light weight makes it easy for my husband to load in and out of our SUV.  This inexpensive wheelchair has withstood the hills, cobblestone paths, and trolley tracks of Disneyland.  I have run into walls and poles without damaging it.  It’s comfortable and the elevating legs bring relief to my legs when I am experiencing nerve pain.  There is a pouch on the back of the seat that I keep my raincoat in.


My husband and I  have only a few complaints.  The first complaint is that my footrests are not the same length, one is a smidgen longer than the other. My other complaint is that the footrests are always elevated to some degree.  While this annoyed me at first, I have noticed that the swelling I used to experience in my feet and ankles when out for a day is no longer a problem.  My husband’s complaint is that the handles for pushing are also slightly uneven.  None of these complaints have given us a reason to not use it nor has it made using it difficult.  But it did take a little getting used to.



Would I recommend this product? Yes and No.  If you are like me and only need to use a wheelchair for outings and not on a fulltime basis, then YES.  The only reason I would not recommend this particular wheelchair for fulltime usage is because of how the legs stick out.  Like I said above, the feet are elevated to some degree at all times which would make it difficult to move around a home that was not designed for wheelchairs.  However, Amazon offers many affordable options for those who aren’t able to spend hundreds of dollars on a new wheelchair (click to see more options).

New Accessories for My New Wheels

In addition to purchasing a new wheelchair, I also bought a few accessories to make my outings more pleasurable.

My Pembrook Wheelchair Backpack Bag fits perfectly on the back of my wheelchair and holds much more than I expected it to.  I purchased two Demi Milan Stroller & Wheelchair Organizers.  One is placed on the back of my chair and the other on the inside of one of the armrests.  Now my husband, daughter, and I all have somewhere to keep our drinks.  Just a little FYI, if your wheelchair is wider than average you will need to purchase extra Velcro to attach it.

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