28 Ways to Practice Self-Care

28 ways to practice self-care (

In today’s fast-paced world, self-care has transitioned from a luxury to a necessity, especially for those navigating the complexities of living with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, etc.

The adage “You can’t pour from an empty cup” rings truer than ever, highlighting the importance of replenishing our reserves through mindful self-care practices.

Whether you’re battling fibromyalgia or simply seeking ways to enhance your well-being, this guide offers 28 rejuvenating self-care ideas designed to infuse your day with a little extra joy and serenity.

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1. Hydration is the Foundation of Self-Care:

At first glance, drinking plenty of water might not strike you as the quintessential self-care practice—it lacks the indulgence of a spa day or the tranquility of a meditation session. Yet, this simple act is one of the most profound ways to care for your body daily.

Water is the elixir of life, playing a pivotal role in maintaining the delicate balance of bodily fluids, energizing your muscles, and ensuring your skin retains its healthy glow. Embracing hydration as a cornerstone of self-care can transform your well-being, offering a refreshing boost from the inside out. So, the next time you reach for a glass of water, remember that you’re not just quenching your thirst; you’re nurturing your body in the most fundamental way.

measured water bottle

2. The Serenity of Bubble Baths:

Immersing yourself in a bubble bath is more than just a means to cleanse; it’s an invitation to a tranquil retreat within the comfort of your own home. Picture this: your bathtub, brimming with warm, frothy bubbles, surrounded by the soft glow of candles and the melodious sound of soothing music in the background.

This is not just a bath; it’s a ritual that whispers to your soul to unwind and relax. As you sink into the embrace of the warm water, the world’s weight seems to dissolve, leaving behind a sense of peace and rejuvenation. A bubble bath is a sanctuary, a momentary escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, where you can indulge in the luxury of serenity and self-care.

3. Connecting Through Conversations:

In the whirlwind of life’s demands, it’s easy to let meaningful connections slip through our fingers. Yet, setting aside time for a self-care happy hour phone date with a friend can be a balm for the soul. Imagine dedicating a moment to simply sit back, dial up a loved one, and dive into a conversation that leaves you both laughing, reflecting, and feeling closer than ever.

Whether your friend is a stone’s throw away or miles apart, this intentional connection transcends physical boundaries. Hearing the familiar voice of a cherished friend, sharing stories, and catching up on life’s little details can significantly uplift your spirits. It’s a simple reminder that, in the end, relationships nourish and sustain us, making even a virtual happy hour a priceless act of self-care.


4. Stargazing: A Celestial Escape:

There’s something inherently magical about stargazing, a practice that invites you to step outside and gaze upwards into the infinite expanse of the night sky. Away from the city’s glare, where the stars reclaim their brilliance against the dark canvas, you find a space of wonder and tranquility. Venturing out to where the celestial bodies shine brightest, you can embark on a cosmic journey from the comfort of Earth.

Attempting to identify the constellations becomes not just a fun activity but a profound experience that connects you to the universe’s vastness and history. Stargazing offers a unique form of self-care, a peaceful escape that encourages reflection, inspiration, and a deep sense of connection to the world beyond our own.


5. Savoring a Luxurious Hot Chocolate:

Elevate your self-care routine by indulging in a cup of hot chocolate transformed into an exquisite treat with a few simple additions. Imagine the comfort of holding a warm mug between your hands, the rich aroma of chocolate filling the air.

Now, take this sensory experience a step further by infusing your hot chocolate with CBD, introducing an element of calm and relaxation to your indulgence. The final touch, a generous dollop of whipped cream topped with chocolate shavings, turns each sip into a luxurious escape. This isn’t just a drink; it’s a crafted experience designed to soothe the soul, warm the body, and delight the senses. Whether it’s a chilly evening or a quiet afternoon, a specially prepared hot chocolate can be your perfect self-care companion.


6. Basking in Natural Light:

Embracing the sun’s gentle rays is a vital yet often overlooked aspect of self-care. While it’s true that not everyone enjoys the luxury of sunny weather year-round, there are still plentiful ways to soak in the sunshine, regardless of the season.

For those times when stepping outside isn’t an option, simply positioning yourself near a window where sunlight freely flows can significantly uplift your spirits. Open your curtains wide and allow the natural light to bathe your space, infusing it with warmth and energy. And for days when the sun seems a distant memory, light therapy offers a practical alternative, mimicking the sun’s beneficial effects to help maintain your circadian rhythm and boost your mood.

Spending time in the sun, whether directly or through thoughtful alternatives, nourishes the body with Vitamin D, enhances mood, and reinforces our connection with the natural world.


7. The Transformative Power of Self-Care Journaling:

Embarking on the journey of self-care journaling opens up a world of introspection and personal growth. This practice offers a versatile canvas for expressing your deepest thoughts, charting your daily triumphs, and unraveling the complexities of your emotions.

Whether you’re documenting life’s milestones for posterity or navigating the cathartic process of releasing pent-up fears and frustrations, a self-care journal becomes a trusted confidante. It’s a space where victories, no matter how small, are celebrated, and every page can serve as a step toward understanding your body and mind better.

This heightened awareness can be instrumental in managing chronic conditions, allowing you to identify triggers and patterns that may lead to discomfort. Through journaling, you’re not just preserving memories or venting emotions; you’re crafting a personalized toolkit for wellness that evolves with you.

chronic illness life journal for beginners

8. Reclaiming Rest: The Art of Napping for Self-Care:

In the hustle of daily life, especially for those navigating the challenges of chronic illnesses, napping often becomes a necessity rather than a choice—a brief respite for a weary body rather than an act of self-kindness. However, transforming napping into a deliberate self-care practice can shift your perspective on rest.

Imagine choosing to nap not out of sheer need but as a loving gesture towards yourself, a way to honor your body’s signals and embrace the rejuvenating power of rest. This intentional pause in your day is an acknowledgment that rest, too, is productive and healing. It’s an opportunity to disconnect, recharge, and perhaps dream a little, only to awaken refreshed and with a renewed sense of well-being.

So, the next time you lay down for a nap, let it be with the intention of nurturing your body and soul, celebrating the simple, profound act of resting on your own terms.


9. Embracing Warmth: The Comfort of Heated Pajamas:

In the realm of self-care, it’s often the simplest gestures that weave the most profound sense of comfort and well-being. One delightfully uncomplicated practice is warming your pajamas in the dryer before slipping into them.

Imagine the feeling of wrapping yourself in the gentle, enveloping warmth of freshly heated fabric, a sensation that seems to chase away the chill of the day and soothe the soul. This act, as straightforward as it may be, transforms a mundane routine into a moment of cozy indulgence. It’s a reminder that self-care need not be elaborate or time-consuming; sometimes, it’s as simple as granting yourself the small, comforting pleasures that make life a bit sweeter.

So, the next time you seek a touch of warmth and comfort, let the simple joy of warm pajamas be a testament to the beauty of nurturing yourself with the little things.


10. The Joy of Dressing Up: A Celebration of Self:

In a world where days often blend into one another, especially for those who’ve spent long stretches in bed due to illness or work from the confines of home, the act of dressing up can become a forgotten pleasure. Yet, choosing to adorn yourself in a fancy dress or your favorite outfit for no particular reason is a powerful form of self-expression and self-care. It’s a declaration that you don’t need an occasion to celebrate your existence or to invoke joy.

The simple act of dressing up, even without the intention of going anywhere, can significantly uplift your spirits, boost your self-confidence, and alter your perspective on the day. It serves as a reminder that you are worth celebrating and that finding beauty in the mundane can be transformative. So, allow yourself the freedom to dress up just for yourself, turning an ordinary day into an occasion and reaffirming the delight of being beautifully, uniquely yourself.


11. Choosing Comfort: The Liberation of Pajama Days:

There’s a distinct difference between wearing pajamas out of necessity, dictated by chronic pain or illness, and choosing to spend the day in your coziest attire simply because it brings you joy. The act of consciously deciding to stay in pajamas all day can be a profound exercise in self-care and autonomy. It’s a gentle rebellion against the pressures of productivity and appearance, a way to honor your need for comfort and ease above all else.

This choice can transform your relationship with self-care, shifting it from a response to illness to an assertion of control over how you nurture yourself. Embracing a pajama day by choice reflects a deeper understanding that you deserve to feel good, relaxed, and utterly at peace in your skin, regardless of external expectations. It’s an affirmation that comfort, both physical and emotional, is not just a luxury but a legitimate, vital aspect of caring for yourself.


12. Simplifying Life Through Decluttering:

The journey towards simplifying one’s life often starts with the act of letting go—donating items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy. This process can be particularly liberating for those dealing with chronic pain, where energy reserves are precious and often limited.

The decision to purge your home of unused knickknacks and trinkets, to clear out drawers and closets cluttered with the remnants of a different time, is more than just housekeeping; it’s a deliberate step towards creating a living space that supports your well-being. Decluttering not only frees up physical space but also reduces the mental and physical strain of maintaining it, resulting in a home that truly feels like a sanctuary. It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes, less really is more and that by removing the excess, we make room not only in our homes but in our lives for what truly matters.


13. Embracing Movement: The Versatility of Exercise:

Exercise, in its many forms, offers a powerful avenue for enhancing our physical and mental well-being. From the rhythmic strides of a morning run to the gentle flow of yoga or the deliberate movements of tai chi, each activity brings its own set of benefits, catering to different needs, preferences, and abilities.

Recognizing the importance of accessibility, the practice of seated yoga emerges as a testament to the adaptability of exercise, ensuring that everyone, regardless of mobility limitations, can engage in the nurturing experience of movement.

Encouraging your body to participate in these activities is not just about fitness; it’s a celebration of what your body can do and a way to thank it for its resilience.

Whether you choose to stretch, walk, or engage in more vigorous activities, remember that the goal is to find joy in movement and to do something good for your body, honoring its needs and capabilities.


14. The Uplifting Ritual of Mani-Pedis:

Investing time in a mani-pedi, whether at a luxurious salon or in the comfort of your own home, is more than a mere beauty treatment; it’s an act of self-care that can significantly boost your self-esteem and mood.

The process of having your fingernails and toenails meticulously cared for, shaped, and polished is not only relaxing but also transformative, offering a tangible way to appreciate and adorn yourself. This small yet meaningful ritual serves as a reminder of the importance of self-appreciation and the joy found in pampering moments. It’s a celebration of oneself, creating a sense of pride and beauty that radiates from the inside out.

So, whether you opt for a professional service or embrace the DIY spirit, a mani-pedi is a delightful way to feel polished, empowered, and ready to take on the world.


15. Indulging in a Spa Day: A Retreat for the Senses:

Planning a spa day, whether as a luxurious escape at a professional spa or a curated experience at home, embodies the essence of self-care. This dedicated time to unwind and treat your body to massages, facials, and other pampering services is an invaluable investment in your well-being.

For those moments when a spa visit isn’t feasible, creating your own sanctuary at home can be equally rejuvenating. Imagine inviting a friend for a shared day of relaxation or enjoying a solo retreat, complete with homemade face masks, a soothing foot soak, and the simple pleasures of champagne paired with fruits and cheese. This isn’t just about the treatments themselves but the act of setting aside time to prioritize your comfort and happiness.

A spa day, in any form, is a sensory journey that refreshes the mind, revitalizes the body, and renews the spirit, reminding us of the importance of pausing and indulging in self-love.


16. Rediscovering the Joy of Reading:

In the digital age, where screens often dominate our attention, the simple pleasure of getting lost in a book seems increasingly rare. Yet, there’s unparalleled magic in the act of opening a book and immersing yourself in its world, whether revisiting a beloved story or embarking on a new literary adventure.

Reading offers an escape, a way to live countless lives and explore diverse perspectives without leaving your chair. It’s an invitation to slow down, to savor words and ideas, and to give your imagination free rein. Making time for reading is not just a break from the hustle of daily life; it’s an enriching journey that feeds the soul, expands the mind, and rekindles the joy of discovery.

So, whether it’s a classic tale that feels like an old friend or a new work that promises untold wonders, let yourself be drawn into the transformative experience of reading once again.

17. Embrace Your Inner Dancing Queen: The Freedom of Dance:

There’s something inherently liberating about dancing to your favorite song, a practice that embodies the essence of joyous self-care. By allowing yourself the space and permission to turn up the music and dance with abandon, you engage in a powerful form of expression that transcends mere physical activity.

This weekly ritual of moving to the rhythm, of letting your body flow and your spirit soar, serves as a cathartic release of stress and tension. Dancing is not just about burning calories; it’s a celebration of freedom, a testament to the strength and resilience of your body. It’s an opportunity to break free from the constraints of everyday life and embrace a moment of unbridled joy and energy. So, step into your role as a self-care dancing queen and let the music carry you away to a place where you can truly let yourself go wild.


18. Savoring the Delight of Smoothies:

Integrating a delicious smoothie into your routine is a delectable way to nourish both your body and your taste buds. Whether you blend your own concoction of fruits, vegetables, and supplements or opt for a favorite pick from a place like Juice it Up, each sip is an opportunity to indulge in a burst of flavors and nutrients.

The act of enjoying a smoothie transcends mere consumption; it’s a moment to pause, to relish the creamy texture and the complex layers of taste that each ingredient brings to the table. This simple pleasure is not just about the health benefits—it’s a celebration of mindful eating, of taking the time to appreciate the nourishing choices you make for your body. So, the next time you enjoy a smoothie, do so with intention, fully immersing yourself in the experience and savoring every sip as an act of self-care.


19. Creating a Joy Jar: Capturing Moments of Happiness:

The concept of a joy jar is a beautifully simple yet profound way to cultivate gratitude and mindfulness throughout the year. By taking a moment to write down instances that bring a smile to your face or cause your heart to leap with joy and then placing these notes in a designated jar, you create a personal treasure trove of happiness. This practice encourages you to notice and appreciate the small, joyful moments that might otherwise be forgotten in the hustle of daily life.

As the year unfolds, your joy jar gradually fills with reminders of the good that has graced your life. Then, in a moment of reflection at year’s end, revisiting these notes becomes a powerful affirmation of life’s blessings, a ritual that can renew your spirit and offer a fresh perspective on the abundance of positivity surrounding you. Embarking on the journey of creating your own joy jar is not just an act of self-care; it’s an investment in your future happiness, providing a tangible connection to the joyous moments that define your life.

Click here to learn more about it and how to make your own.


20. The Comfort of Binge-Watching: A Self-Care Marathon:

There’s a unique kind of comfort and escapism that comes from dedicating a day to binge-watching your favorite show. This form of self-care allows you to temporarily step away from the complexities of daily life and immerse yourself in the narratives and worlds of characters you’ve grown to love.

Unlike the traditional weekly wait for new episodes, binge-watching offers the satisfaction of continuity and depth, enveloping you in a storyline that unfolds seamlessly over hours, akin to diving into a long, captivating movie. It’s an indulgence that celebrates the joy of storytelling and the pleasure of uninterrupted viewing, creating a space where time slows down and the only agenda is enjoyment.

So, when you choose to spend a day with your favorite series, you’re not just watching TV; you’re granting yourself a well-deserved break, a pause that rejuvenates your mind and spirit through the power of narrative immersion.

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21. The Healing Power of Self-Compassion: Writing a Love Letter to Yourself:

In a world that often emphasizes our flaws more than our strengths, taking the time to write yourself a love letter is a profound act of self-care and self-compassion.

This exercise encourages you to reflect on your virtues, your achievements, and the unique qualities that make you you. It’s an opportunity to drown out the external noise of criticism and comparison and, instead, focus on the wealth of positivity that resides within. By articulating the reasons you love and appreciate yourself, you not only bolster your self-esteem but also create a tangible reminder of your inherent worth.

This love letter becomes a personal beacon of light for moments of doubt or self-criticism, a testament to your resilience, kindness, and strength. Engaging in this practice of self-affirmation nurtures a kinder, more loving relationship with yourself, setting the foundation for genuine well-being and self-acceptance.


22. Laughter as Medicine: The Joy of Watching Comedy:

In the quest for relief from the everyday stresses of life, finding solace in the world of comedy is like stumbling upon a wellspring of joy. The act of watching a comedy, whether a classic sitcom, a stand-up special, or a hilarious movie, serves as a powerful antidote to the blues, enveloping you in waves of laughter that can lighten the heaviest of hearts.

Laughter is not just an immediate mood booster; it’s a form of escape, a way to momentarily step outside of life’s complexities and immerse yourself in pure, unadulterated joy. The therapeutic effects of laughter—lowering stress, boosting immunity, and fostering connection—are well-documented, making comedy a genuine form of self-care. So, when you choose to lose yourself in a comedy, you’re not merely seeking entertainment; you’re engaging in a healing ritual that rejuvenates your spirit and reminds you of the lightness of being.


23. Incremental Triumphs: The Strategy of Tidying One Corner at a Time:

For those living with chronic illness, the energy required for extensive cleaning can be daunting, if not outright unfeasible. However, the approach of focusing on just one corner of a room at a time offers a manageable yet deeply satisfying way to reclaim your living space and sense of control. This methodical practice encourages you to celebrate small victories, recognizing that each tidied corner is a step towards a more organized and peaceful environment.

By dividing the task into achievable segments, you not only make the process less overwhelming but also build a routine that fosters a consistent sense of achievement. Nightly, as you reflect on the progress made, even if it’s just a single corner, you’re rewarded with a tangible sense of accomplishment. This strategy underscores the power of small actions leading to significant change, reinforcing the idea that self-care and well-being can be cultivated through gentle, incremental efforts.


24. Rediscovering Passion: The Importance of Hobbies:

In the hustle of daily commitments and the challenges posed by health constraints, hobbies often fall by the wayside, forgotten relics of a life less encumbered. Yet, making time for a hobby or exploring a new one is not merely a leisure activity—it’s a crucial element of self-care that can enrich your life in unexpected ways.

Hobbies offer a unique outlet for expression and creativity, a sanctuary from the stresses of daily life, and, for those dealing with chronic pain, a valuable distraction that can momentarily eclipse discomfort. Whether painting, gardening, writing, or venturing into uncharted territories like pottery or coding, engaging in hobbies can reignite your zest for life and foster a sense of achievement and joy. As you carve out time for these pursuits, you might discover not just a rewarding diversion but a pathway to healing and personal growth.


25. The Renewal of a Social Media Detox:

In an era where our lives seem inextricably linked to the digital realm, the decision to take a social media break emerges as a profound act of self-care. This deliberate pause from the constant stream of notifications, updates, and comparisons can be a sanctuary for mental health, offering a much-needed respite for those feeling the weight of anxiety and depression exacerbated by online interactions.

By choosing not to announce this hiatus, you allow yourself a true break, free from the expectations and pressures that often accompany our online personas. Whether it’s for a day or an extended period, stepping back from social media invites a return to presence, encouraging deeper connections with the immediate world and with oneself. This quiet rebellion against the digital tide is not an act of withdrawal but a reclamation of space and peace, a reminder that life’s richness often lies beyond the screen.


26. Crafting Joy: The Power of an Uplifting Playlist:

Music possesses an unparalleled ability to elevate our spirits, a universal language that speaks directly to the soul. Creating an uplifting playlist is akin to assembling a personalized toolkit for joy, a collection of melodies and rhythms that have the power to instantly transform your mood. Handpicking songs that spark smiles, encourage toe-tapping, invite dance, and compel you to sing at the top of your lungs is not just an act of curation but a form of self-care.

This bespoke soundtrack becomes a go-to source of comfort and happiness, ready to lift you out of the doldrums or amplify moments of joy. Whether it’s the nostalgia of a cherished memory, the exhilaration of a powerful beat, or the resonance of lyrics that speak to your current journey, each track on your uplifting playlist serves as a reminder of the beauty and resilience within you, ready to be summoned with just the press of play.


27. Embracing Tears: The Cathartic Release of a Good Cry:

Often shrouded in stigma, the act of crying is, in truth, a powerful form of self-care, a natural release valve for the complexities of human emotion. Admitting to the therapeutic benefits of a good cry, especially in the solitude of one’s own space, reveals a deep understanding of emotional health. Whether through the emotional journey of a sappy movie or the poignant lyrics of a song echoing in the shower, allowing yourself the vulnerability to weep is a testament to strength, not weakness.

It’s in these moments of unguarded release that we confront and cleanse the pent-up frustrations, grief, and pressures that accumulate, particularly under the shadow of chronic illness. This act of crying doesn’t just alleviate the emotional burden; it paves the way for genuine joy and contentment. Recognizing the value of tears as part of your self-care repertoire highlights the importance of embracing all facets of emotional expression in the journey toward well-being.


28. Cultivating a Positive Digital Environment: The Importance of Unfollowing Toxicity:

In the digital age, where our online interactions can have a profound impact on our mental health, the act of unfollowing toxic individuals on social media is a crucial step in practicing self-care.

Setting emotional boundaries in our virtual spaces is just as important as in our physical ones. By consciously choosing to remove sources of negativity—be they individuals who perpetuate anger, engage in confrontations, or spread emotional turmoil—we take a stand for our well-being. This act of selective engagement not only shields us from harmful influences but also allows us to curate a feed that reflects positivity, inspiration, and upliftment.

Remember, the content we consume daily shapes our thoughts, feelings, and overall outlook on life. In choosing to follow accounts that resonate with positivity, we foster an online ecosystem that nurtures growth, happiness, and peace.

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Embracing Self-Care: Your Path to Well-being:

As we navigate the complexities of life, incorporating self-care practices into our daily routine becomes essential for maintaining our well-being. From the simple joy of hydrating and the tranquility of a bubble bath to the emotional release of a good cry and the cleansing act of unfollowing toxicity on social media, each of these 28 self-care ideas offers a unique pathway to rejuvenation and happiness.

Remember, self-care is not a one-size-fits-all prescription but a personal journey of discovering what truly nourishes your body, mind, and soul. As you reflect on these practices, consider how you can integrate them into your life, tailor them to fit your needs and commit to making self-care a priority.

How will you practice self-care today? Share your plans, experiences, and insights with us, and let’s inspire a community dedicated to the art of caring for oneself. Your journey towards a more fulfilled and balanced life starts with a single, mindful step. Let’s take that step together today

Published by Cynthia Covert

Diagnosed in 2001 with psoriasis, followed by fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, endometriosis, and later a botched hysterectomy turned her world upside down. Cynthia shares her experience, advice, and tips for how to make life with chronic pain easier and less painful.

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